Utah Futurity Show Results
Ogden, UT ~ June 2, 2011 ~ Judge: Cathy Plummer

Hosted by Bells Goats (Ogden, UT)
Click to go the Bells Goat's website
Thank you, Steve, for putting on a great show!

Thank you, Cathy, for judging such stiff competition!


1.       Junior Doe:  Under 3 months

Name of Goat Breeder Owner Placing
Ahart Acres Oo La La Ahart Acres Ahart Acres 1
Shakey Acres Natane Shakey Acres Shakey Acres 2
Bells Goats Sarah Bells Goats Bells Goats 3
Faint-Hearted Ranch Amaretto Sunset Faint-Hearted Ranch Ancient Valley Ranch 4
Ahart Acres Prada Ahart Acres Hush Hills Fainters 5
Faint-Hearted Ranch Bryanna's Star Faint-Hearted Ranch Faint-Hearted Ranch 6
Faint-Hearted Ranch Dippin Dash Faint-Hearted Ranch Faint-Hearted Ranch 7
Bells Goats Klarissa Bells Goats Bells Goats 8
0 to 3 months 0 to 3 months 0 to 3 months 0 to 3 months

1st place
Ahart Acres Oo La La
Owned by Ahart Acres

2nd place
Shakey Acres Natane
Owned by Shakey Acres

2.       Junior Doe:  3 to under 6 months

Name of Goat




Ancient Valley Ranch Moka Express Ancient Valley Ranch Ancient Valley Ranch 1
Triple-T Noel Triple-T Ranch Stacey DeSanti 2
Bells Goats Sweet Sixteen Bells Goats Bells Goats 3
Faint-Hearted Ranch Fern Faint-Hearted Ranch Faint-Hearted Ranch 4
Triple-T Holly Triple-T Ranch Triple-T Ranch 5
Triple-T Padme Triple-T Ranch Triple-T Ranch 6
Triple-T Lealia Triple-T Ranch Hush Hills Fainters 7
Ahart Acres Deja-Boo Ahart Acres Ahart Acres 8
Faint-Hearted Ranch Tallequah Faint-Hearted Ranch Hush Hills Fainters 9
Bells Goats Audi Bells Goats Bells Goats 10

1st place
Ancient Valley Ranch Moka Express
Owned by Ancient Valley Ranch

2nd Place
Triple-T Noel
Owned by Stacey DeSanti

Champion Futurity Doeling Reserve Champion Futurity Doeling
Ancient Valley Ranch Moka Express
Bred & Owned by Ancient Valley Ranch
Triple-T Noel
Bred & Shown by Triple-T Ranch
Owned by Stacey DeSanti

Website designed and maintained by Triple-T Ranch

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